Training — building muscle

3 best powerlifting variations for tricking

advanced trick tutorial building muscle exercises injuries strength training

3 best powerlifting variations for tricking

The best variations of the deadlift, back squat, and bench press for tricking

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Prioritizing acrobatics for bodybuilders

building muscle periodization

Prioritizing acrobatics for bodybuilders

How to temporarily switch to acrobatics from bodybuilding using periodization.

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Ask Jujimufu #9 - Training LB/UB differently for Acrobolix

ask jujimufu building muscle periodization strength training

Ask Jujimufu #9 - Training LB/UB differently for Acrobolix

Does it make sense to train your upper and lower body differently for Acrobolix?

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Ask Jujimufu #5 - Bodybuilding bulks and cuts

ask jujimufu building muscle periodization winter

Ask Jujimufu #5 - Bodybuilding bulks and cuts

What do I think of bodybuilding bulks and cuts?

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The quickest way for a trickster to become buff

advanced tricking building muscle

The quickest way for a trickster to become buff

If you've been tricking for more than 3 years and have attained a level of proficiency and consistency, and now you want to get buff, then do this...

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