Ingredients for Jujimufu work food:
- 1/2 cup cream of rice
- 1/2 cup custom made unflavored protein powder mix from
- 50% rice protein concentrate
- 25% whey protein isolate cold filtered
- 25% micellar caseinate
- 1 serving nut butter or coconut oil
Approximate macronutrient breakdown is 60 grams of protein, 80 grams of carbs, 15 grams of fat.
The predecessor to this meal was similar. I also ate it before and after my noon time training. This meal helped lean me out for my Jujimufu, Still! video the year before.
- A couple microwaved potatoes (brown or sweet)
- 1/2 cup protein powder (flavored)
This meal has no fat, so if you want to add some, just eat some nuts or take some fish oil capsules. I suggest not adding the fat if you want to accelerate weight loss. These meals are very utilitarian. Quite simply, they work if you want to be shredded and big.
I’m trying to get your protein mix in Australia, but shipping from ultimate nutrition is too expensive, do you know of any other ones I could get cheap in Australia? I can’t seem to find a site that lets me customise the mix, is there on off the shelves? thnaks
How many lbs of powder do you normally get each time you order from truenutrition?
For any Brits keen to replicate the cream of rice work food option. You can buy Ground Rice at Tesco and Morrisons for 99p/500g, which is the same thing. Rice flour is also simialr as well just a bit finer.
No that should be fine Lees. Although I find it odd you find it hard to forcefeed yourself 300g of cooked rice haha. Add a bit of soy sauce (or coconut aminos soy sauce replacement for the soy paranoid) and rice is like candy haha. Oh man I’m gonna do that tonight actually, perfect.