Habitica Weekers
A weeker is a temporary Daily that you use for a week. Honestly I just made the word up, haha. Here is a weeker:
I'd do this just to jump start my shoulder mobility. Then I'd quit. I could do it for any amount of time I wanted to, but I'd set a target duration. In this case, 1 week. Since I know I only have to do this for 1 week, it's a little easier to convince myself to do it: there is an end in sight. Just in case you're curious, here are the exercises in this daily. I do them at home.
Indefinite Habits and Dailies can be daunting. Just one more thing after another after another after another. Time, energy, and will are limited resources. Use Weekers to more accurately represent your current needs through Habitica, thus, making the game more effective and purposeful.